Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jailbreak Iphone 5c,5s,5,4s,4 on ios 7

Finally the much anticipated iphone jailbreak is here for the iphone 5c,5s,4s,and 4

Just before Christmas the jailbreak was made available by evasi0n!

Below is an easy 14 Step process for jailbreaking your iphone running the latest ios7 software.

NJ Phone Fix is not liable for any mistakes that can occur during this process, to ensure that it is done correctly without bricking your phone give us a call 201-435-2874 and we'll do it for you for only $19.99

Step 1:

Back up your phone

Step 2: 

Download the latest version of Evasi0n and also the latest ios 7 software that's running on your phone

Step 3:

Extract the files from the Evasi0n zip file

Step 4:

Launch i-tunes

Step 5:

Select your phone in i-tunes

Step 6:

Press and hold the shift key while you click on restore

Step 7:

Select the ios version that you downloaded from step 2

Step 8:

Confirm that you want to restore your firmware with i-tunes

Step 9:

Once the restore is complete, launch Evasi0n as administrator

Step 10:

Click on the jailbreak button to begin.

Step 11:

Let Evasi0n do its thinkg, do not unplug your phone from the computer

Step 12:

You will then be asked to unlock your device and tap the new evasion app icon. It is imperative that you only tap the icon once. The app will open and immediately close.

Step 13:

Evasi0n will then reboot your phone and complete the process!

Step 14:

You're phone will reboot with Cydia.......wahoo!

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